Friday, August 31, 2018

Well it has been a while.  Many things have happened since my last post.  In March my husband had to have double by-pass surgery then soon after his surgery and recovery I had the worst news ever.  My annual mammogram showed a small lump which turned out to be a triple negative cancer.  So I am going through my chemo treatments that will continue until just before Christmas then surgery to remove the lump.

My son's girlfriend Jordan Gallaher and I opened a small shop in a local Mall called Superstition Springs Center where we rent out areas for local artisans to showcase and sell their handmade creations.  So far we have had a great response to this idea and we have over 35 artists that have come on boards.

We also have a website that is devoted to each of these artist  Check it out!

More blogging now that things are sort of settling down.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017


Well it that time of the year to start gearing up for the holidays.  I just started a holiday sale on my etsy shop

I am offering free domestic shipping starting November 8th through December 31, 2017 on purchases totaling $30.  I also am offering any upgrade on shipping from standard to Priority Mail a $5 off coupon to use to get off of your shipping cost.  Just use PRIORITYMAIL coupon code to get your savings.

Check out my shop today and start early to get that perfect gift for those on your Christmas list.

Kim Hermann

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

My Old Frames

Just finished five more of my sea glass art pictures.  What's really cool about these pictures is that I took old frames that I had in a storage container for six years.  When we moved from our home in PA to AZ I found that some of my pictures that I had on display in our basement I had no room for in our new home in AZ.

I wasn't sure what to do with them so I just put them away in a storage container in our outdoor shed and forgot that I had them until just recently.  So I came up with these pictures. Here is a couple of pictures of my new creations.

Just a couple check out my Etsy Shop for more:

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Stained Glass suncatchers

Well I finished my first stained glass pieces.  I really enjoyed making these and I am looking forward to making more pieces in the future.  I am going to add my soldering video so you can see how it works.

Check out my facebook page  and check out how I soldered my pieces together.

Here are a couple of pictures of the finished pieces.  Going up for sale soon on my Etsy shop

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

My new creations are now up on my Etsy Shop ready for purchasing!

Finished my Sea Glass framed pictures and just uploaded my creations to my Etsy Shop to sell.

Please check out my shop today for my newest items they will be a must for gifts for this coming holiday season.

Here are just a couple !

Saturday, October 21, 2017


Welcome to my new blog page devoted completely to my handmade creations that are currently for sale on my Etsy shop and my Facebook page devoted to my business that I just created today at

I am looking forward to sharing with you my new creations and ideas so please follow me on facebook and take a look at my Etsy shop and favorite my shop and share your comments with me on what you think about my items I have for sale.

Come back soon for updated information and pictures of my new designs.

Kim Hermann

Well it has been a while.  Many things have happened since my last post.  In March my husband had to have double by-pass surgery then soon a...